Bouquet of orange roses + chrysanthemums - autumn cocktail
Most magical design ideas embodied in this bouquet. Contrast harmony juicy and warm orange colors well complemented by the freshness of green. This bouquet will enjoy sunny natures, especially those born in summer or autumn. Motley composition will captivate a long time, because the flowers stand for at least 5-6 days.
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COMMENTS ON bouquets «Bouquet orange roses chrysanthemum + - Autumn cocktail»
Tatyana / г. Анапа, Сукко / 01.10.2020bouquet rating:Спасибо за быструю и качественную работу. Букет супер, такой большой яркий!!!
Maria / г. Казань / 30.08.2020bouquet rating:Хороший букет, такой сочный и яркий, как раз не хватало ярких красок в серый майский день! Я очень рада, что воспользовалась вашими услугами! Спасибо всему Вашему коллективу за оказанную услугу.
Ilya / г. Армавир / 09.07.2018bouquet rating:Prompt delivery, fresh flowers, stood for about two weeks. Only they are the pros of working with you, I think that I will address more!
Vladlen / г. Россошь / 19.12.2016bouquet rating:This colorful bouquet is very pleased with my mom's birthday. Thank you very much for such positive emotions!
Olga / г. Вязьма / 03.12.2016bouquet rating:Special thanks florists for showing imagination. Bouquet compiled just fine!
Marina / г. Когалым / 03.10.2016bouquet rating:The originality of the bouquet has brought a lot of positive emotions. Thank you very much for your work!
Vadim / г. Красноярск / 28.09.2016bouquet rating:All liked it. Flowers are all good, beautiful. The recipient very happy. To put a bouquet of beautiful handmade cards. Well done, thank you.
Konstantin Zverev / г. Москва / 26.09.2016bouquet rating:I want to say thank you to the company, will continue to use your services, although there is a problem with payment by credit card, but the good. support has done its job, and as a result - a quick solution to the problem thanks for everything. Pts. pleased that appealed to you
Egor / г. Москва / 05.09.2016bouquet rating:Thank you, the recipient was pleased. So you did everything right :)
Bogdan / г. Североуральск / 01.09.2016bouquet rating:Bouquet was addressed to his wife wanted to surprise her while he was at work. A friend recommended your site, he says that parts are ordered, and always enjoy it. I decided to try it. I'm not particularly razberayus colors, so I just called and asked the girl to help with the choice of the operator. In the end, we decided on this bouquet. Bright is - in general I liked it. In the evening I saw a vase in such beauty. First wife did not believe that for her delivery, thought a hoax, but the whole course was very pleased. Thank you very much, indeed, well done. No wonder my friend about you so well speaks.
Christina / г. Обнинск / 05.08.2016bouquet rating:My mom just loves flowers and yellow chrysanthemums in particular. I was very pleased to get such a bouquet. in fact, a bouquet was even brighter. But is not the point. The main thing that it was all done qualitatively. Thanks you
Marina / г. г. Вилючинск / 28.02.2016bouquet rating:hero of the day for a surprise success. Hero of the day in awe of the bouquet "Autumn cocktail". Long doubted whether man tsvety.Ne hesitate to give. Give! All delivered on time. Thank you staff of the Grand Flora.
Elena / г. Астрахань / 05.03.2015bouquet rating:Thank you for the order. My mother was very happy! And I'm happy, because I live in another city and was physically unable to give my mother a bouquet of flowers and a delicious cake. Thank you! Sincerely, Elena
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